*indicates student co-author
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Reid Marks, L., Jenkins, L., Perez-Felkner, L., Portis Templeton, D.*, & Verma, K.*, (in press). Social cognitive predictors of bystander intervention in racial microaggressions among college students. Race and Social Problems
Jenkins, L., Reid Marks, L., Perez-Felkner, L., Verma, K.*, Portis Templeton, D.*, & Thomas, J.* (in press). Applying bystander intervention in racial microaggressions with college students. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.
Wilcox, M., Pérez-Reyes, A., Reid Marks, L., Reynolds, A., Suh, H. Flores, L., Miller, M., McCubbin, L., & Wilkins-Yel, K. (accepted). Are we preparing antiracist counseling psychologists? Structural competencies: Re-grounding counseling psychology in anti-racist and decolonial praxis. The Counseling Psychologist (special issue).
Wilcox, M., Reid Marks, L., Davis, R., Franks, D., & Moss, T.* (2023). Are training programs addressing anti-Black racism and white supremacy? A descriptive analysis. Advance online publication. The Counseling Psychologist. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000023121428
Reid Marks, L., Yang, Y., Miller, H.*, Morgan, M.*, Yoon, E. & Naar, S. (2023). Perceived COVID-19 threat, psychological distress, and perceived increases in alcohol and cannabis use in diverse emerging adults at the onset of the pandemic. Advance online publication. Emerging Adulthood. https://doi.org/10.1177/21676968231198908
Reid Marks, L., Hayes, L.*, Amos, A.*, Moore, K.* & Dark, T. (2023). Don’t judge me ‘til you walk through my shoes”: A qualitative investigation of the experiences of women living with HIV. Ethnicity & Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2023.2231667
Reid Marks, L., Stenersen, M.*, Adams, K.L.*, Lattimore, D. * & Lee, B.* (2023). Racial microaggressions and depression in Black college students: Examining ethnic identity as a moderator. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 37(3), 243–259. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/87568225.2021.1976607
Wilcox, M., Shaffer, K., Reid Marks, L., Hutchison, A., & Hargons, C. (2022). Fostering trainees’ development of a social justice theoretical orientation and skills. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology.
Millender, E., Harris, R.*, Bagneris, J.*, Reid Marks, L., Barcelona, V., Wong, F., Crusto, C., & Taylor, J. (2022). The cumulative influence of perceived discrimination, stress, and coping responses on symptoms of depression among young African American mothers. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10783903221105281
Reid Marks, L., Schimmel-Bristow, A.*, Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Hargons, C. (2022). Racial discrimination and risky sex: Examining cognitive-emotional factors in Black college students. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(5), 594-621. https://doi.org/10.1177/00110000221092662
Reid Marks, L., Yeoward, J.*, Fickling, M., & Tate, K.A. (2022). The role of racial microaggressions and bicultural self-efficacy on work volition in racially diverse adults. Journal of Career Development, 49(2), 311-325. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894845320949706
Osborn, D., Hayden, S., Reid Marks, L., Hyatt, T., Saunders, D., & Sampson, J. (2022). Career practitioners’ response to career development concerns in the time of COVID-19. Career Development Quarterly, 70(1), 52-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12283
Reid Marks, L., Stenersen, M.*, Sanders, S.*, Coleman, M.*, & Wilkins-Yel, K. (2022). Health psychology in Jamaica: A qualitative analysis. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35(1), 155-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2021.1927670 3
Kraha, A., Doran, J. M., & Reid Marks, L. (2021). Undergraduate student impressions of student debt and starting salaries in psychology. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/stl0000270
Reid Marks, L., Hyatt, T., Saunders, D., Hayden, S., Osborn, D. & Sampson, J. (2021). The intersection of career and mental health from the lens of Cognitive Information Processing Theory. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 47(2), 38-43.
Ramsey, W. A., Berlin, K. S., Del Conte, G., Lightsey, O. R., Schimmel-Bristow, A., Reid Marks, L., & Strohmer, D. C. (2021). Targeting self-criticism in the treatment of nonsuicidal self-injury in dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents: a randomized clinical trial. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 26(4), 320-330. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12452
Reid Marks, L., Acuff, S. F., Withers, A. J., MacKillop, J., & Murphy, J. G. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences, racial microaggressions, and alcohol misuse in Black and White emerging adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 35(3), 274-282. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000597
Presseau, C., Doran, J., Reid Marks, L., & Linh, L. (2021). Psychometric properties of the alliance and negotiation scale-supervision version. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1499-1513, 77(6). https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23089
Reid Marks, L., Thurston, I., Kamody, R.* & Schaeffer-Smith, M.* (2020). The role of multiracial Identity integration in the relation between racial discrimination and depression in multiracial young adults. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1037/pro0000315
Reid Marks, L., Tate, K. A., & Taylor, J. (2020). Exploring the moderation of meaning in life on barriers and coping efficacy among women. Journal of Career Development, 47(5), 524-537. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894845318803193
Reid Marks, L., Ciftci, A., & Lee, B.* (2019). Ethnic identity and psychological well-being in Jamaican immigrants: Mainstream comfort and social affiliation as moderators. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 11 (1), 33-55.
Reid Marks, L. & Ciftci, A. (2019). Microaggressions and sexual risk behaviors in Black college women: A moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 47(2), 108-118. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmcd.12125
Reid Marks, L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Tate, K.A., Coleman, M.L.*, & Moore, K.* (2018). Family influence, critical consciousness, and calling to career in women of color. The Career Development Quarterly, 66(4), 329-342. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12154
Reid Marks, L., Ciftci, A., & Lee, B.* (2018). Dimensions of acculturation and work hope in international college students. Journal of Employment Counseling, 55(3), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.1002/joec.12091
Crowell, C., Lantz, M., Reid Marks, L., & Voelkel, E. (2017). A collaborative autoethnography of counseling psychology student leaders. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(7), 1017-1047. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000017729886
Deemer, E., Reid Marks, L., & Miller, K. (2017). Peer science self-efficacy: A contextual support for college students' science career intentions. Journal of Career Assessment, 25(3), 537-551. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072716651620
Doran, J., Reid Marks, L., Kraha, A. & Ameen, E. (2016). Graduate student debt: A qualitative study. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10(1), 179-187. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000132
Reid Marks, L., West-Olatunji, C., & Goodman, R. (2016). A pilot study evaluating the parent proficiencies questionnaire for African Americans (PPQ-AA). Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals, 4, 99-109.
Doran, J. M., Kraha, A., Reid Marks, L., Ameen, E. J., & El-Ghoroury, N. H. (2016). Graduate debt in psychology: A quantitative analysis. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10(1), 3–13. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000112
Servaty‐Seib, H. L., Lockman, J., Shemwell, D., & Reid Marks, L. (2016). International and domestic students, perceived burdensomeness, belongingness, and suicidal ideation. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 46(2), 141-153. https://doi.org/10.1111/sltb.12178
Tate, K. A., Fouad, N. A., Reid Marks, L., Young, G., Guzman, E., & Williams, E. G. (2015). Underrepresented first-generation, low-income college students’ pursuit of a graduate education: Investigating the influence of self-efficacy, coping efficacy, and family influence. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(3), 427-441. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072714547498
Tate, K. A., Fallon, K., Casquarelli, E., & Reid Marks, L. (2014). Looking to our roots: Opportunities in social justice for career development professionals. The Professional Counselor, 4(4), 285-302.
Duffy, R., Foley, P., Raque-Bodgan, T., Reid Marks, L., Dik, B., Castano, M., & Adams, C. (2012). Counseling psychologists who view their career as a calling: A qualitative study. Journal of Career Assessment, 20(3), 293-308. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072711436145
Reid, L., & Dixon, A. (2012). The counseling supervision needs of international students in U.S. institutions of higher education: A culturally sensitive supervision model for counselor educators. Journal of International Counselor Education, 21, 29-41. 14
Duffy, R., Reid, L., & Dik, B. (2010). Spirituality, religion and career development: Implications for the workplace. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 7, 209-221.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Reid Marks, L., Jenkins, L., Perez-Felkner, L., Portis Templeton, D.*, & Verma, K.*, (in press). Social cognitive predictors of bystander intervention in racial microaggressions among college students. Race and Social Problems
Jenkins, L., Reid Marks, L., Perez-Felkner, L., Verma, K.*, Portis Templeton, D.*, & Thomas, J.* (in press). Applying bystander intervention in racial microaggressions with college students. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.
Wilcox, M., Pérez-Reyes, A., Reid Marks, L., Reynolds, A., Suh, H. Flores, L., Miller, M., McCubbin, L., & Wilkins-Yel, K. (accepted). Are we preparing antiracist counseling psychologists? Structural competencies: Re-grounding counseling psychology in anti-racist and decolonial praxis. The Counseling Psychologist (special issue).
Wilcox, M., Reid Marks, L., Davis, R., Franks, D., & Moss, T.* (2023). Are training programs addressing anti-Black racism and white supremacy? A descriptive analysis. Advance online publication. The Counseling Psychologist. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000023121428
Reid Marks, L., Yang, Y., Miller, H.*, Morgan, M.*, Yoon, E. & Naar, S. (2023). Perceived COVID-19 threat, psychological distress, and perceived increases in alcohol and cannabis use in diverse emerging adults at the onset of the pandemic. Advance online publication. Emerging Adulthood. https://doi.org/10.1177/21676968231198908
Reid Marks, L., Hayes, L.*, Amos, A.*, Moore, K.* & Dark, T. (2023). Don’t judge me ‘til you walk through my shoes”: A qualitative investigation of the experiences of women living with HIV. Ethnicity & Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2023.2231667
Reid Marks, L., Stenersen, M.*, Adams, K.L.*, Lattimore, D. * & Lee, B.* (2023). Racial microaggressions and depression in Black college students: Examining ethnic identity as a moderator. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 37(3), 243–259. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/87568225.2021.1976607
Wilcox, M., Shaffer, K., Reid Marks, L., Hutchison, A., & Hargons, C. (2022). Fostering trainees’ development of a social justice theoretical orientation and skills. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology.
Millender, E., Harris, R.*, Bagneris, J.*, Reid Marks, L., Barcelona, V., Wong, F., Crusto, C., & Taylor, J. (2022). The cumulative influence of perceived discrimination, stress, and coping responses on symptoms of depression among young African American mothers. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10783903221105281
Reid Marks, L., Schimmel-Bristow, A.*, Harrell-Williams, L.M., & Hargons, C. (2022). Racial discrimination and risky sex: Examining cognitive-emotional factors in Black college students. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(5), 594-621. https://doi.org/10.1177/00110000221092662
Reid Marks, L., Yeoward, J.*, Fickling, M., & Tate, K.A. (2022). The role of racial microaggressions and bicultural self-efficacy on work volition in racially diverse adults. Journal of Career Development, 49(2), 311-325. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894845320949706
Osborn, D., Hayden, S., Reid Marks, L., Hyatt, T., Saunders, D., & Sampson, J. (2022). Career practitioners’ response to career development concerns in the time of COVID-19. Career Development Quarterly, 70(1), 52-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12283
Reid Marks, L., Stenersen, M.*, Sanders, S.*, Coleman, M.*, & Wilkins-Yel, K. (2022). Health psychology in Jamaica: A qualitative analysis. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35(1), 155-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2021.1927670 3
Kraha, A., Doran, J. M., & Reid Marks, L. (2021). Undergraduate student impressions of student debt and starting salaries in psychology. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/stl0000270
Reid Marks, L., Hyatt, T., Saunders, D., Hayden, S., Osborn, D. & Sampson, J. (2021). The intersection of career and mental health from the lens of Cognitive Information Processing Theory. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 47(2), 38-43.
Ramsey, W. A., Berlin, K. S., Del Conte, G., Lightsey, O. R., Schimmel-Bristow, A., Reid Marks, L., & Strohmer, D. C. (2021). Targeting self-criticism in the treatment of nonsuicidal self-injury in dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents: a randomized clinical trial. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 26(4), 320-330. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12452
Reid Marks, L., Acuff, S. F., Withers, A. J., MacKillop, J., & Murphy, J. G. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences, racial microaggressions, and alcohol misuse in Black and White emerging adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 35(3), 274-282. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000597
Presseau, C., Doran, J., Reid Marks, L., & Linh, L. (2021). Psychometric properties of the alliance and negotiation scale-supervision version. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1499-1513, 77(6). https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23089
Reid Marks, L., Thurston, I., Kamody, R.* & Schaeffer-Smith, M.* (2020). The role of multiracial Identity integration in the relation between racial discrimination and depression in multiracial young adults. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1037/pro0000315
Reid Marks, L., Tate, K. A., & Taylor, J. (2020). Exploring the moderation of meaning in life on barriers and coping efficacy among women. Journal of Career Development, 47(5), 524-537. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894845318803193
Reid Marks, L., Ciftci, A., & Lee, B.* (2019). Ethnic identity and psychological well-being in Jamaican immigrants: Mainstream comfort and social affiliation as moderators. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 11 (1), 33-55.
Reid Marks, L. & Ciftci, A. (2019). Microaggressions and sexual risk behaviors in Black college women: A moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 47(2), 108-118. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmcd.12125
Reid Marks, L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Tate, K.A., Coleman, M.L.*, & Moore, K.* (2018). Family influence, critical consciousness, and calling to career in women of color. The Career Development Quarterly, 66(4), 329-342. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12154
Reid Marks, L., Ciftci, A., & Lee, B.* (2018). Dimensions of acculturation and work hope in international college students. Journal of Employment Counseling, 55(3), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.1002/joec.12091
Crowell, C., Lantz, M., Reid Marks, L., & Voelkel, E. (2017). A collaborative autoethnography of counseling psychology student leaders. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(7), 1017-1047. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000017729886
Deemer, E., Reid Marks, L., & Miller, K. (2017). Peer science self-efficacy: A contextual support for college students' science career intentions. Journal of Career Assessment, 25(3), 537-551. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072716651620
Doran, J., Reid Marks, L., Kraha, A. & Ameen, E. (2016). Graduate student debt: A qualitative study. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10(1), 179-187. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000132
Reid Marks, L., West-Olatunji, C., & Goodman, R. (2016). A pilot study evaluating the parent proficiencies questionnaire for African Americans (PPQ-AA). Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals, 4, 99-109.
Doran, J. M., Kraha, A., Reid Marks, L., Ameen, E. J., & El-Ghoroury, N. H. (2016). Graduate debt in psychology: A quantitative analysis. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10(1), 3–13. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000112
Servaty‐Seib, H. L., Lockman, J., Shemwell, D., & Reid Marks, L. (2016). International and domestic students, perceived burdensomeness, belongingness, and suicidal ideation. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 46(2), 141-153. https://doi.org/10.1111/sltb.12178
Tate, K. A., Fouad, N. A., Reid Marks, L., Young, G., Guzman, E., & Williams, E. G. (2015). Underrepresented first-generation, low-income college students’ pursuit of a graduate education: Investigating the influence of self-efficacy, coping efficacy, and family influence. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(3), 427-441. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072714547498
Tate, K. A., Fallon, K., Casquarelli, E., & Reid Marks, L. (2014). Looking to our roots: Opportunities in social justice for career development professionals. The Professional Counselor, 4(4), 285-302.
Duffy, R., Foley, P., Raque-Bodgan, T., Reid Marks, L., Dik, B., Castano, M., & Adams, C. (2012). Counseling psychologists who view their career as a calling: A qualitative study. Journal of Career Assessment, 20(3), 293-308. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072711436145
Reid, L., & Dixon, A. (2012). The counseling supervision needs of international students in U.S. institutions of higher education: A culturally sensitive supervision model for counselor educators. Journal of International Counselor Education, 21, 29-41. 14
Duffy, R., Reid, L., & Dik, B. (2010). Spirituality, religion and career development: Implications for the workplace. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 7, 209-221.